Photo: Taken in July, 2021 at Clock Tower, Thimphu
Today's conversation...
On our way to Khyentse's school, there is an ECCD and I was casually telling them whether he wants to attend that school....
Khyentse: that school is for kids
Me: And you are an adult?
Khyentse: I am SIX years old
Me: Is that school for Gugu, or do you want him to study at your school
Khyentse: I want Gugu to study at my school and I can teach him Math
Me: That's very sweet of you
Khyentse: Everybody thinks Math is hard but it is very easy for me.
Khyentse: Math is Fun
And we reached his school gate by then. As a mother, my heart was filled with pride and happiness to know that my elder one has the thoughts and will to teach his younger brother what he is best at 🥰